From the beginning of "Jersey Shore" Snooki's willingness to knock back endless shots of tequila and make a drunken spectacle of herself on national TV has been one of her most famous and polarizing characteristics. Love her or hate her!
Snooki's fans love her shameless fondness for getting wasted, while detractors claim she's a living embodiment of everything that's wrong with America and she's at her worst when she's hammered.
In detail, on season two of Shore, Snooki was arrested on the beach in Jersey for being drunk and obnoxious.
Snooki's drinking has resulted in violence. Certainly, there was that night in Florence, where she accidentally kicked Deena's @ss, but the most famous example of Snooki mixing blood with her tequila is the season one incident that first brought her national headlines.
Snooki drinks also on the job. Regularly. Snooki drinks alcohol at work like most people sip coffee in the morning. Like so many drunken shenanigans, the first time she did it, it was funny. Now that it's become a rarity for her to get through a day at work without getting hammered, it's a little worrisome. Snooki got used to it at the Shore Store in Jersey and took it to a new level at the pizzeria in Florence, where her bosses are decidedly less patient of her tendency to mix business (pretending to work) and pleasure (getting hammered).
Snooki has been punishing her liver in new and astounding ways on the fourth season of Shore, reminding the citizens of Florence exactly why they hate drunk American tourists. Remember when Snooki and Deena turned a trip to the beach into a 24-hour bender?Well, the drunken duo got blackout hammered before the sun went down and completely forgot about their epic girl-on-girl make-out session. Naturally, their roommates mercilessly ripped on them the morning after, a routine that Snooki seems sadly accustomed to at this point.
Being the subject of jokes is part of being Snooki, but there's a fine line between comedy and tragedy. Following her arrest in Jersey, Snooki talked about the shame she brought to her parents and famously vowed to quit drinking (during the day). Anyone who's been watching the show this season knows Nicole has been unable to rise to the very minor challenge of keeping that promise. The fact that she expressed her desire to stop getting drunk and discussed her goal publicly indicates two things:1. Snooki wants to stop drinking and 2. Snooki is in deep denial about the extent of her alcoholism.
Snooki apparently considered that she would be able to quit getting drunk and that it wouldn't present any challenge to her. Sadly, she was clearly wrong. To be honest, Snooki is a big part of why people watch Jersey Shore and drunkenness is a big part of why people love Snooki. She's phenomenal and no one wants to stop the Snooki party, least of all Snooki.
As much as we love Snooki we can't help but realize that her drinking is too out of control.This concern has been cemented by her ex Emilio’s Twitter claims that Jersey Shore was turning her into an "alcoholic. " Her excessive binge drinking in Italy that caused even her hard-partying Jersey cast members like Jwoww and The Situation to be shocked, and now a report that she drank heavily on the set of the latest reunion special, and even begged producers for drinks at 11 a.m. This is not normal partying behavior!
Snooki’s ex Emilio tweeted his concerns on Snooki’s drinking this July, misplacing most of the blame: "This is Disgusting. MTV’s Jersey Shore is turning Nicole into an Alcoholic. They are killin her liver. That’s not the nicole I knew! Poor girl."
It has to be noted that during the taping of the season’s reunion special in 2011 Snooki was drunk and slurring her words at 11 a.m. (a source told Star magazine.) She was angry at The Situation over his continued claims that she cheated on Jionni with him and reportedly was heard on the mike asking producers backstage to get her a drink. She was reportedly denied the drink until shooting finished.
Snooki's ex, Emilio, doesn't fault the guidette for her behavior claiming: "The Vid on TMZ with Nicole Dancing with the plant, is a total embarrassment. I blame Production."
He adds: "They won't learn till she hurts herself."
The question is: "Does Snooki think she is an alcoholic?"
In spite of showing some seriously scary signs of an alcohol problem in Jersey Shore Season 4, Snooki wants to assure fans that she is not an alcoholic.
When asked by "Parade Magazine" about what the biggest misconception about her is, Snooki busted the party girl bubble:
"Probably that I’m an alcoholic and I drink and all I want to do is hook up. That’s totally not the case. You have to remember that reality shows capture your worst moments."
When Snooki appeared on David Letterman's "Late Show", he boldly asked her: "Do you think, uh, um, maybe you need to abstain?" Snooki replied: "I definitely don't think I have a problem. I mean, when we're not filming I hardly go out. I hardly drink. It's just, you know, it's summer."
Letterman divulged that friends used to send him Alcoholics Anonymous brochures listing seven signs that one may have a problem. "Number one was always, "Do you drink in the morning?" he told her.
Snooki then contradicted herself. "I'm not like that all the time ... (I'd) rather stay in and watch movies at night than go to a frickin' club." So why does she go clubbing? "Well, you're at the Shore - obviously you wanta go out."
What do you think?
Is Snooki an alcoholic?
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