It was less than a month ago when Shakira accompanied her boyfriend Gerrard Pique at his father’s book launch in Barcelona.

The couple looked happy as Shakira taken her pictures with the whole Pique’s family.
The couple looked happy as Shakira taken her pictures with the whole Pique’s family.
But early this month,she travelled back to her home town Bogota, to help her father in promoting his new book.
Yes, her father also launched a new book called “Al viento y al azar” or in English “The wind and the chance”.
The book contains a collection of love stories, which is a fiction, also taken from the authors essay.
But this time, Shakira did more than just supporting her dad. She made her debut as an editor, and also wrote the prologue of the book.
But this time, Shakira did more than just supporting her dad. She made her debut as an editor, and also wrote the prologue of the book.
“Not only did he give me life, he also kept inspiring me every day,”wrote Shakira.
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